June 25, 2011

Chemical Stain Etched On The Hood

i received a text message from one of my buddy last 2 days ago while i was at home. he mentioned that his car front hood kena some stain that cannot be removed by hand polishing, then he asked for my help immediately through message, so i invited him to my place to have a look.


at 1st i thought it was white cement stain but closely inspect i was wrong. i tried scratch lightly but it didnt came off, and then i use M105 with a applicator pad but still cant be removed. so i assume this is a chemical stain that alredi etched on the paint. take a closer look..


wet sanding begin since i have no other choice, start/finish with 2000grit. M105 with a cutting pad and finishing with OHP polishing with polishing pad and then protected with opti-seal and OCW.



close up



finally my buddy have relief when the stain is gone, no more struggling and headache and leave with a happy smile on his face. i feel happy for him too, maybe in a opposite way. hes happy cause the stain is gone, im happy cause i rescued another ride on that night. cheers!

June 16, 2011


just about 2 weeks back i was trying to wet sand my entire surface using 1500grit - 2000grit sandpaper to remove orange peel. the wet sand process was bad at 1st cause im not using any sand block, my fingers applied different pressure on the surface and caused really deep scratches (samurai sword slashes around) after i purchased the sand block, i found out i can sand evenly with really nice haze on it and start to compound using M105 like usually how i do on other people cars. after compounded with M105 + wool the clarity appeared in seconds, like usually. then thought moving to cutting but i used halogen tripod to check it out 1st, i was really got shocked when there is swirls appeared on the surface. i told myself which steps i did wrong and caused swirls? really tiny one and look ugly. i stopped immediately and do more research later on cause i have tried many times and still fail.

this was took with led torch light

really tiny one that only can spotted under the sun or halogen light

after all the research i did on the net, i found my problem the swirls is actually micro-marring, maybe cause of the M105 is too abrasive. alot people commented how to remove it bla bla bla, make me so confused. i only believe one thing which is using non-abrasive polish to remove it and i decided to give it a shot. i choosed OHP with a double sided foam pad.



my the other surface look like this at 1st


close up

and then after compounded become like this..

close up

well, learn from the beginning and master it. 50/50 shots after polishing.


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and finishing..


finally i did and and feel so relief, i was thought im gonna drive swirls out under the sun. thank god i archive the result i want. i will still continue to gloss up my car by wet sanding and will post more pictures in future. stay tune!

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