January 31, 2012

Porsche GT2: My First Exotic Hands On With Seech

Good day,

what a lucky day i had the other day, i got a call from Seech who asked me to detail a car with him. surprisingly the car we were gonna detail was a Porsche GT2, a very exotic car in Malaysia and there were only 4units (info from Pro Detailing) so i was really excited and was looking forward to it because it was my first exotic and second Porsche added into my 'collection'. the other Porsche i detailed together with KC & Seech was the Porsche Magnum RS.

the day finally came, with much anticipation and excitement, i traveled to town and Seech got me into a warehouse, where alot of exotic cars were kept. my eyes widen and i instantly felt like i was on cloud nine. i had the urge to just get my hands on them and give them the shine they deserve. without further ado, we unloaded all our gears and started examining the GT2, it was in a pretty bad shape..





the name said it all

January 28, 2012

Detailing A Volkswagen MK6 GTI & Protected With Opti-Coat

Good day,

Its been a while since i've last posted. actually this MK6 i detailed since 3months ago and didnt manage to post it up in the forum or my blog. well, not much defects on the paint, just normal washing swirls and water spot on certain panel. lets have a look of the pictures upon arrival..


expensive hood that may need alot of attention

wheels are also covered with alot of brake dust and tars

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